Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Big C

We recently started getting the Sunday New York Times delivered to the loft, and our summer Sunday morning ritual consists of Jeff cooking up some sort of yummy egg scramble using fresh herbs from our garden, drinking mimos and iced coffee and reading the NYT on the roof deck. I usually devour the Sunday Styles section and browse the NYT Magazine but unfortunately the articles are usually a total snoozefest, so I barely ever make it past the table of contents. I was pleasantly surprised to find this week's feature story "The Age of Laura Linney" all about the star of Showtime's newest offering, "The Big C" debuting August 16th after "Weeds." I am eagerly anticipating this show because it sounds interesting, I gobble up and become addicted to all Showtime shows esp Californication, Weeds, Dexter, Nurse Jackie and United States of Tara, and I learned from the NYT article that "The Big C" is based in suburban Minneapolis, although they will tape it in Stamford, CT. But I'll be interested to see how they bring Mpls into the mix..since our fair little city is not mentioned in Hollywood very often. Check out the first episode here:

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