Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dogs Are Not Human Beings.

So, Gus and I had a little adventure out in Wayzeta and Minnetonka yesterday..we went on a fall color cruise on the lake Saturday and the leaves were glorious, so I wanted to check them out some more by land, and also visit Minnetonka Orchards because I am obsessed with Apple Orchards. It wasn't as good as Pinetree Apple Orchards in White Bear, my favorite orchard/pumpkin patch to visit, but was pretty nice. Anyhoo, we were walking around Wayzeta before I grabbed lunch at D'amico & Sons, and I was sitting on a bench feeding Gus his bottle with the stroller open so anyone could see his adorable little face. Prettymuch every time I'm out in public, at least one or two complete strangers come up to me and comment on how cute he is, so I was a bit surprised to hear eager baby talk and cooing only to turn around and discover the cooer in question was not talking about my precious bundle of joy but speaking in baby talk to a crazy/bored/rich lady's 2 DOGS IN A STROLLER. And not a dog stroller (why do these even exist, the only acceptable reason for one is if your dog's legs are broken) - but a baby stroller. This is not okay people. I understand that people love their dogs, and that's great,  but they are not people. And they are not a substitute for a baby either..last I checked, the cycle of life involves procreating and giving birth to and raising a child, which in my opinion after having one of my own, is the most amazing, important thing we can do as human beings on this planet. Some people seem to need a newsflash that there is a difference: mainly, dogs are not human. They are dogs. The end.

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