Thursday, February 4, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

As you may have guessed, I love to travel. And since I own my biz and can work from anywhere, my kind of traveling usually involves being gone for 2-3 week stretches whenever possible, especially in January. While I'm extremely grateful that I was able to escape the cold for 3 weeks and had a fantastic time bouncing all over NoCal and SoCal, I'm also really happy to be home. Traveling while prego is just a different experience - a lot more exhausting and harder to lug heavy luggage and a laptop with me everywhere while stopping to pee every 2 seconds..I guess soon enough I'll be lugging all that plus a baby, stroller, carseat and all sorts of baby gear as well. Yowza.

I'm happy to report the plants that weren't watered in the loft survived, but sadly our roofdeck snowman Ice lost his head, which was hilarious to discover. Now he's more of a snowcone. Oh well. I've just been chilling out, catching up on my DVRed shows, playing Mario Bros on the Wii, running errands and meeting with clients about new projects for the spring. Excited to see friends, have my MN baby shower in a couple of weeks, take some prenatal yoga classes at Blooma and get the whale themed nursery ready for our lil guy..only 8 more weeks to go!

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