Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend Highlights:

*Buying Gus his first set of wheels and watching him happily walk himself around the loft in this funny little bouncy/walker/classic car contraption.

*Delicious dinner of cheese, bread, salad, crab legs with lots of butter, sparkling wine and homemade apple pie with fresh whipped cream with friends.

*Sweating out all the butter at the Calhoun Beach Club with a game of tennis on a crisp fall day, running on the treadmill (something I've just discovered I can do, for a short amount of time..I hate running more than anything but can do it when listening to Kaskade's new mix "" and think it might help me lose the baby weight at some point) swimming, hot tubbing and hitting the steam room.

*My favorite salad: tomato, basil, avocado, mozzarella, steak & balsamic reduction and a glass of William Hill chardonnay on the patio of View on a gorgeous, sunny fall day.

*Meeting friends at Minnehaha falls, taking Gus on his first outdoor play equipment swing ride which he loved, grabbing some vino and ice cream at Sea Salt on a lovely, fall afternoon, then going to said friend's house for a cozy fall fire and red wine as the night cooled off.

*Mimosa Sunday on the roofdeck, reading the Style section of the New York Times, which I love getting delivered every Sunday. The morning was gorgeous - warm and sunny, and as I was up there I felt the clouds roll in and then it started feeling like fall. I think I literally witnessed the seasons change.

*Another workout/swim/steam/hot tub at CBC (2 days in a row is pretty good for me).

*Afternoon viewing of The Social Network at Lagoon, with Gus, who slept part of the time and was pretty good when he woke up. Loved this movie. JT was fantastic.

*Cooking dinner at home and watching the season finale of Mad Men. Sunday nights for the next 9 months will be a lot less classy without Don Draper. I'll need to get a Jon Hamm fix somehow..hopefully he pops up again on 30 Rock and SNL cuz his comedy chops are just as good as his dramatic ones. I heart him. Here are two great articles about the season finale: Salon, 
New York Times.

*Watching new eps of the always awesome "Dexter" and "Bored To Death" - Jason Schwartzman always cracks me up.

*Looking forward to a fun-filled, delicious birthday week that will include dinners at Muffaletta, Barrio, 112 Eatery and La Grassa, drinks at Nick + Eddie and Bradstreet and lots of friends and family.

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