Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last Year At Exactly This Time I Was...


*Stuffing my face with completely "autentic" and delicious Mexican food, pretending calores don't count when in another country
*Swimming up to the pool bar for many perfect strawberry daquaris and margs
*Reading who-dunnits in the shade on the beach while drinking cold beers
*Laying out by the pool getting burnt to a crisp
*Whale spotting - we saw about 1000 whales breaching and spouting - absolutely amazing
*Jet-skiing around El Arco in Cabo San Lucas
*Riding ATVs through the desert like a bandita loco
*Playing tennis and mini-golf at the resort
*Sipping tequila on the rocks with El Jefe while sitting on our terrace listening to the waves crash on the shore below
*Capturing El Jefe in a sombrero
*Watching creepy Mexican clown ladies make balloon animales
*Discovering El Districto del Arte in San Jose del Cabo - art galleries, restaurants, wine bars, etc.
*Waking up before the sun to spot whales from our terrace and drink cafe con leche
*Taking long walks on the beach with my wonderful hubby
*Being completely off the grid for 5 days the fabulous Westin Los Cabos in Mexico. Currently desperately wishing I was back there, since it is 4 degrees in MN today, I am sipping decaf herbal tea, definitely still on the grid and haven't had a cocktail in 35 weeks/245 days..but who's counting? Ay dios mio.

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