Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It Took Them Long Enough..

I just discovered that vitamin water has finally come out with a zero calorie option, thankyoubabyJesus. Apparently this is very new, because I can't find an image of a zero calorie bottle anywhere online and had to take my own. It tastes about the same as the 10 calorie one, which was really like 25 calories with the 2.5 servings in each bottle. I'm already fat enough and would rather have 0 calories for my favorite non-alcoholic bevvie, thanks.

I have been a fan of vitamin water ever since my BFF Jen introduced me to it during an extremely hot and humid visit to NYC in 2002. We were in town for a wedding upstate around July 4 but spent a few sticky, 100+ degree days in the city when it was virtually empty because everyone was in the Hamptons - it was pretty cool, actually. SJP had just discovered vitamin water and ordered cases of it to have on set for her "Sex and the City" gals and the delis of NYC were just starting to sell it. So we'd pop in for a refreshing, calorie-filled vitamin water whenever possible. It was a great visit to former boss from the restaurant I worked at in SF was the director of operations for Sushi Samba and he hooked a big group of my friends up with an amazing dinner on the patio in the village and we had the time bar and club hopping all over the city. I think that was my first visit to an H&M as well. And we watched July 4 fireworks on a rooftop garden in the newly gentrified alphabet city. I heart NYC.

Anyhoo, it only took them 8 long years to figure out how to make vitamin water with 0 calories but I'm glad they finally did.

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