Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weekend Highlights:

1. Hosting an intimate Friday night gathering with just two other couples for Jefe's delish home made pizzas, a rousing game of Apples to Apples and a little Mario on the Wii. It was good to prove to Jefe that I'm not the only Super Mario Bros obsessed freakshow in the world as he previously thought..everyone loves Mario! I have already gotten to level 7 (out of 8) in less than a month - I seriously love this game. We seem to usually invite everyone we know over every time we host a party but held back this time and just invited enough people to have a civilized dinner at the dining room table, which was very nice. Esp since it was about -25 outside and I did not want to take my prego arse anywhere, but wanted to see friends. Worked out very nicely.

2. Brunch at The Modern Cafe. I don't know why I always forget that NE is like a 5 minute drive from our loft..when I remember to go there, I'm always happy. There are def some cool bars and restaurants, esp in the little 13th street area near The Modern. We hadn't been there in quite a while and I was thinking we'd bowl a couple games at Elsie's after for a nice little NE afternoon. I had some delish French Toast with nuts and bananas, served with sausage. I've been on a savory breakfast kick lately - apparently lil Gus Gus wants to turn me into a portly French Toast connoisseur named Le Fat Nat. So far the best I've had was at Grand Cafe - brioche french toast with orange caramel sauce. Yummo.

3. After a brisk walk around the NE neighborhood, we decided we wanted to walk but it was too freezing to do much of it outside, and sadly came to the conclusion that our best option was to head to the MOA. Not just to power walk in our matching jumpsuits..I also wanted to check out the H&M Maternity section for the first time but had been putting off the journey to Bloomington. But turns out I was glad that I did. At first glance it seemed like a measly selection of fatty clothes, but the red tags that marked many items $10 and $20 got me to try them on, and almost everything fit my ever-growing baby bump perfectly. I picked up fab dark wash jeans, gold denim skirt, capulet, long sleeved tee, velour sweatshirt, a couple more cute shirts and a long necklace for under $100. This little spree made H&M redeem themselves a bit in my eyes, since I've been pretty disappointed with the lame clothes they send us in MN compared to things I've bought at stores in NYC and SF. Come on H&M, we're not all bumpkins in MN..we're hip, we like cute clothes too..give us the good stuff. And the lines by famous designers please - we'll buy it - I promise. K thanks bye.

4. Heading out to see our friend's new house in Wayzeta to "watch the football game" - but not watching a minute of football and enjoying a fabulous dinner, whipped up by a friend who I thought could only make frozen pizza and nachos. A delightful surprise and great night with two fun couples - until we had to get back in the car, it was insanely cold. We were supposed to stop by 414 Sound Bar to see some DJ friends spin but it was just too chilly to head anywhere but back to the loft to get cozy with some blankets and watch Sir Charles try to be funny on SNL. Alas, the only good sketch was MacGruber.

5. Finally taking down our 10'6 live Christmas tree - I really loved having it up, I think it was the best one we've ever had. But, it was drying out and leaving needles everywhere so it was time. And next year we'll have an 8-month-old Gus with us to enjoy the tree, which is crazy. Can't wait.

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