Sunday, December 13, 2009

Video & Photos from MARK FARINA + CHUCK LOVE @ Epic 12.11.09

Here's a little taste from Friday night. Sorry to say, but if you weren't at this show, you really missed out. It was one of the best sets I've seen Mark Farina play (and I've seen him about 10,000 times after living in SF and bringing him to MN several times) - with the added bonus of the always amazing Mr. Chuck Love playing live instruments all night, adding even more funkiness to Mark's super jazzy set. Everyone kept thanking me for putting on this show, which is always a fantastic feeling as a music promoter. And its even better to know that we made money, while throwing an amazing party. I love my job. After the show I was chatting with Mark for a minute and my friend who knows him from SF was showing him my little baby bump and he said he is gonna be a dad soon too - most likely to one funky little kiddo.
Check out the City Pages Slideshow Here 
And a few photos I took Here.

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