Friday, February 27, 2009

Conan's Final Show

I also decided to watch Conan's final Late Night episode online last night because it aired on Friday, Feb 20 while we were in Mexico and definitely not watching TV. He had some hilarious clips of some of his favorite sketches, and really gave a heartfelt goodbye - even choking up at a few points. It's easy to see what a good person he is and that's one reason he's so successful. I mentioned to Jeff that I know Leno will not say anything that touching on his final episode of The Tonight Show. I think Leno is totally worthless, not funny and totally awkward - he makes everyone uncomfy. I've been a fan of The Cone Zone for many years and I hope more people discover how funny he is once he takes over The Tonight Show in June. Apparently Jimmy Fallon starts his new gig on Monday, March 3rd.

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