Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It Only Took 18 Years..

..but a beautiful thing happened on Christmas night: Mario and I were reunited. Yes, I realize I am a huge dork, but I seriously love Super Mario Bros, and have since I first got a Nintendo in 6th grade. For his main Christmas gift, I bought Jefe the Wii with a game he loves called Blazing Angels - they have it at the Humphrey Terminal arcade and he is obsessed, so I managed to find and bring it home to help get us through the long winter and impending nights at home with our new addition in the spring. We have been taking turns playing our games and have no interest in playing each other's, which is kind of funny. Mario has certainly come a long way in 18 years and it was well worth the wait - I love this game. They've kind of combined all 3 original Marios with some of the later versions and the worlds are just adorbz..I looked on some dork site and figured out how to warp to level 5 from level 1-3 last night and found myself in the cutest world ever with huge turtles, plants and centipedes. Its kind of hard and takes me a while to figure out how to pass each level, but so far, I am loving it - quite happy to be back with Mario.

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