Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another Stellar US Citizen

Reading any sort of news involving healthcare, town hall meetings and Obama is making me depressed, mostly because its clear how many stupid people there are in this country. Case in point, the man holding this sign, that says "Death To Obama" and "Death To Obama, Michelle and her two stupid kids." He was detained by the secret service because last time I checked, you are not allowed to make death threats against the President of the United States. But even more pathetic than this individual, are the people who took the time to comment on this story on Reading just a few of them it is easy to see that the continuous hate and fear mongering by Right Wing TV/Radio Talking Heads is seriously getting scary and dangerous. The Talking Heads and anyone who works for them should literally be ashamed of what they are doing to this country. Gullible, not-so-smart people eat these ridiculous talking points up and then spew up hateful, horrible, racist comments about wanting to kill the President and I really don't think its good for anyone. How can it be? Unfortunately it seems like it will get worse before it gets better..I just hope more people who buy into and repeat this shit eventually come around and realize the error of their ways, and that they sound like complete nutso wackjobs who should be locked up in a padded room.

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