Monday, March 2, 2009

Always Time For A Spot Of Tea.

I love hot tea and have been brewing a pot of English Breakfast every morning instead of making coffee for the last few months. Whenever I'm in London, I drink many cups of tea with milk in charming little tea shops while catching up on their gossipy newspapers. Maybe its because as the photo montage I found online (since I have no idea how to make a photo montage) above suggests, I am obsessed with Alice in Wonderland and her mad tea parties. I was a child of the late 70s/early 80s and my dad managed a skating rink called Skateway when I was little. The party room had a huge Alice in Wonderland mural and that's where I hosted and attended many birthday parties during my childhood. I also always loved the Mad Tea Party and Alice in Wonderland rides at Disneyland and was lucky enough to spend a good portion of my childhood seeing my favorite storybooks and movies come to life in Fantasyland.

I also love the idea of "high tea" and have always wanted to go to one at a fancy hotel like the Ritz. I've stayed at the amazing Ritz Carlton hotels in Pasadena and Half Moon Bay but was too busy luxuriating in their hot tubs and never made it to high tea. Luckily the Hotel Ivy in downtown Minneapolis is starting a high tea service on March 20th. I was waiting for the valet to get my car at the Ivy after a full day of relaxation at the Ivy Spa Club Saturday and noticed the tea menu set up in the lobby. And I learned from the Mpls St. Paul mag Foodie newsletter that they will be starting a daily afternoon tea in the lobby from 3 to 5 p.m. The $15 service includes Harney & Sons teas, savories and sweets from Porter & Frye, and a $7 champagne upgrade. Now I just have to find some fancy ladies to go with me.

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