Monday, March 1, 2010

Today in..Complete Morons Who Should Not Be On TV: CNN's Rick Sanchez

The 8.8 earthquake in Chile Saturday was quite tragic - luckily they were more prepared than Haiti was for a disaster of this magnitude, but it is still very sad. CNN's coverage of the impending Tsunami in Hawaii due to said earthquake was laughable and beyond ridiculous due to one spaztic "journalist" who is one of the dumbest humans alive and has absolutely no business being on television: Rick Sanchez. I hate this lunatic. WHY is he on CNN?? He's the one who led us through the 5 hour Balloon Boy hoax, telling everyone to "Pray for Balloon Boy" with tears in his eyes as the empty balloon landed and out came..nothing - since the boy was hiding in a cardboard box at his house. Good work, Rick.

The clip above shows Rick's desperation when talking to a scientist about the impending Tsunami everyone thought was heading toward Oahu but never came. Rick obviously wants a huge wave to come - to be captured by CNN's cameras and watched around the world - and literally freaks out, rudely yells at the scientist and asks him to convert 9 meters "into English" all while awkwardly rubbing his lip, trying to appear "sciencelike" and smart.  PS Rick: You. Are. An. Idiot. At one point he also pointed to a map of Chile and said "we're looking at the coast of Hawaii" and his co-moron anchor had to literally turn the globe and say, "No, Rick. That is Chile. Hawaii is over here." There's only one place for this type of moronic, sensational, jumping to conclusions when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about talking head type of "journalism" and that is FOX News. CNN should be ashamed to have this dumbass on the air.

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