Monday, March 1, 2010

Glad I'm Not 16 & Pregnant..

..cuz being 32 & Pregnant is hard enough. I had never watched MTV's "16 & Pregnant" until last night..and only caught parts of it while channel surfing during the boring closing ceremony of the Olympics that NBC interrupted with commercials about every 3 seconds. Jeff and I were sucked in to the life of this 16-year-old surfer bumpkin named Jenelle from South Carolina whose deadbeat, long distance baby daddy called her a "damn piece of crap" on the phone in his hilarious southern twang. While sad for her, we couldn't stop laughing, or calling each other that sweet name for the rest of the evening.

This is a serious matter though, and I cannot imagine having a baby so young..its total insanity. Even now at 32, married, owning a loft and my own biz, I know it's going to be extremely tough to raise a child. And I've already packed a ridiculous amount of fun and world travel into 32 years. I plan to have a lot more fun and see more places with the lil' guy of course and I know its going to be an incredible, life changing experience to bring a human being into this world..its just sad to think of all the things these prego teenies miss out on. I knew nothing at 16 and no matter that they think, these girls don't either. Hopefully seeing these stories of how hard parenthood is and all they will miss out on will encourage more teens to use birth control. And maybe all the idiotic Repubbie Born Again Christians will finally realize their "Abstinence Only" message doesn't work. At all. Educate these kids - they're little hornballs and some of them are going to do it no matter what, so make sure they don't get knocked up when they do.

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