Friday, February 6, 2009

Technology Can Suck It.

I am a total gadget nerd and usually love technology and all the ways it makes my life easier, but today it has gone and completely failed me. Just found out via Facebook status comments that I missed having lunch with 2 of my best friends in The OC - one of whom happens to be my favorite DJ/Producer - because his wife texted me yesterday, and 2 times this morning and they never came through on my Blackberry. So they were waiting to dine me, I was sitting at my parents house doing nothing and I am going to throw my phone out the window. Or maybe I'll follow my favorite entitled blonde's lead and actually pick up the phone from now on instead of relying on texting to make plans.

1 comment:

  1. Pick up the phone? What the shit is that?

    If there are things we can't accomplish through text, I don't want any part of them.
