Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekend Highlights:

 If I gave my weekends theme names, this one would be called: "Lots of Snow and Lots of Besties." Having so many besties here more than makes up for the snow. And after being in Cali for 6 weeks, it was really great to catch up with many close friends and make some new ones.

1. Early evening Friday happy hour w besties A & J at Wayzeta Bar & Grill that turned into late night happy hour at Sunsets. Super fun and much needed after Jefe managed to get my car towed from downtown due to a few unpaid parking tickets. Awesome to deal with on a freezing day. Nothing makes me angrier than getting parking tickets/towed/the boot - after 7 years in San Francisco I'm well acquainted with all three - but this was the first time the chubbies in MN have towed the baby bug. So thanks for that, Minneapolis. F*ckers.

2. A Saturday morning/afternoon of chill time with my guys. Making pancakes, drinking coffee, reading my book club book "Under The Banner of Heaven," that is really interesting, family snuggles, playing with baby G, snoring baby, etc.

3. Art party in our building. Every few months, they change the art on the walls in our loft building and there's a party with live music, wine and cool people. Although I wish the crowd were a little younger..I didn't see many people under 40. We did get to check out our neighbor's incredible, huge corner loft we had never seen complete with fireplace, full dining room, living room, office and ginormous patio..I love that every loft in my building is different and they are all spectactular. And that I still love my own the best.

4. Housewarming party for besties A & M who found an amazing house just across the Lake St bridge in St. Paul, with many of our besties in attendance. Was great to catch up with everyone, and met some other very cool peeps. Once again I was reminded of why I live in MN: the people. So lucky to have such amazing friends..they more than make up for the weather.

5. Pho lunch at Mai Village with besties B & T and their awesome kids - delicious and super fun, as always.

6. Sunday chill time with my guys as it was ridiculously snowy outside and all we wanted to do was light a fire, drink hot tea, snuggle on the couch with blankets and watch our Sunday stories..Californication, Episodes, The Ricky Gervais Show, Big Love plus a behind the scenes SNL special that was awesome.

7. A plan to hit the CBC for at least a couple of hours today to work off all the chill time and take a long  hot tub, swim, steam and sauna..nothing better on a snowy, snowy day.

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