Thursday, February 4, 2010

Only Possible Reason One Might Tune In To FOX News Tonight:

To catch the second half of this interview (FOX is too dumb to know how to embed the code so people can spread their video on the world wide web so I can't post the video here) where Jon Stewart enters O'Reilly's Complete Spin Zone on a station that is so laughably Unfair and Unbalanced toward the right its ridiculous..too bad the on-air "Tea Party" leaders and the idiots who listen to this garbage and spew it back in conversations as fact are too dumb to realize it. They behave like spoiled, bratty 5th graders who've had too many Twinkies and Squeeze-Its and are throwing temper tantrums. As adults. On TV. Which is why I want to throw my shoes at the TV when watching Fox News for more than 1.5 seconds..but for Jon, I'll tune in. Or just watch it online tomorrow.

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