Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Teense Forehead Strikes Again.

Ummm..What The F*ck is Teresa's daughter wearing? It's like she's dressed as a teenie, fancy, velveted pink King of England circa 1850, with a flower hat that's literally twice the size of her mother's forehead. Poor little babe has a few strikes against her already:

* forced to wear uncomfy king clothes on a daily basis
* no mega McMansion to live in since it was foreclosed upon, yet still residing in the state of New Jersey which means she will most likely grow up with a Jersey accent, acid washed jeans and big, curly hair
* highly annoying older sister who's always "on" as she tries to break into Hollywood with her "acting" skills
* will surely be featured on a reality show before she even learns to speak, so she can voice her opinion that she doesn't want to be on a reality show
* (alleged) guido mobster dad who seems to deal only on construction and cash.. hmmm...
* gorilla forehead, table tossin', "prostitution whore" callin' stage mom

Hopefully her Brad Pitt impersonating cousin can save her from the madness.

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