Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chubbies and Tubas and Goldy, Oh My.

I went to college in San Francisco and while my school had an awesome Journalism program (which I majored in) our athletics department left much to be desired. We were called the San Francisco State Gators and I'm pretty sure we were only named that because of the Golden Gate Bridge. But the majestic GG Bridge would be a hard mascot to outfit, so we had an alligator instead. It didn't really matter because I was too busy living it up in San Francisco to join any sports teams or attend live sporting events.

But, I do like watching live sports - especially basketball, so I was happy to attend the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers Basketball game with Jeff last night. They were playing the University of Wisconsin at Madison and they have a huge rivalry, so it was a really fun game to watch. It was a close one but the Golden Gophers won in the last minute and I got to experience Goldy the mascot, cheerleaders dancing to the band with lots of tubas playing hits from the 70s and a lot of angry chubbies from Wisconsin yelling at the refs with their cute Wisconsin accents. All in all it was the time. Unfortunately they don't sell beer there, so we met up with some friends who were also at the game over at Blarney's Pub in Dinkytown for a few drinks and some grub after the game. I was impressed with the food - a really good bbq chicken sandwich with the best bbq I've had sauce outside of Famous Dave's. They had live music - 2 guys with guitars who really liked to sing, quite loudly, and hardly took any breaks in the 3 hours we were there. We could barely hear each other over their versions of "Hotel California" and "Man In The Mirror" and even at 1 am they were still going strong, taking requests from college girls. So glad I'm not in school anymore.

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