Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Still Funny: Fat Guy In A Little Coat

Okay I'm sick of seeing articles about how mad everyone is at David Spade for participating in this commercial featuring Chris Farley (RIP). Is it really that big a deal, people? Farley was a really funny physical comedian, and this part of Tommy Boy was no exception..how many times have fatties around the world acted this out in real life for comedic effect and made their friends laugh hysterically? Probably a lot. Yes its very sad that Farley's demons got the best of him and he overdosed on drugs, booze and food..he was one of my favorite comedians ever to live and everyone wishes he was still making movies today. So what is wrong about just reminding people how funny he was with this commercial? Perhaps it will lead to an increase of "The Best of Chris Farley SNL" DVDs (which is awesome.) I'm on your side, Spade. People who are taking time out of their lives to complain about this shiz can suck it.

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