Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Feel Good Song Of The Day: I Gotta Feeling

I know this song has been out for quite a while - since June in fact, but it just recently got stuck in my heeed and now I can't seem to get it out. My bestie who works at Taaaarget circles saw the Black Eyed Peas perform a concert for all the Target employees and said they were amazing.

I had to search a bit to track down this ghetto version of the video because their dumbass label - Universal Music Group - disabled embedding on You Tube, like they do to all of the videos by artists on their label. Newsflash to record labels: how the F*ck do you think anyone is ever going to see these videos if you don't let lame bloggers like me post them? MTV and VH1 have resorted to a lot of embarrassingly horrible reality shows and zero videos so its prettymuch worthless to even make a video if you're going to disable the code. I would share a lot more music with my two point five readers if it weren't so hard to find the code to post it. Buy a clue record labels..you are always about 25 years behind technology, which is why you are all losing money, and deserve to.


One of my tapped in readers alerted me to this college made video for this song that is pretty amazing, and makes me wish I had gone to school in Montreal. Maybe I will make my shortie go to school there so I can go visit..its like the best place ever - all modern design, house music and feels like Europe. I feel a Just Go There coming soon..in the meantime, check these enthusiastic French Canadians out for the Feel Good Video Of The Year:

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