Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Maybe The Douchiest Couple In All Of OC

Million Dollar Listing - Photos - Dolphins, Rats, and Next Door Neighbors - Bravo TV Official Site

Bravo has managed to suck me in once again with their real estate show "Million Dollar Listing" which I like to watch mostly to see the sprawling SoCal estates for sale, but also for the three metrosexual real estate agent bros who are fairly obnoxious and the worst character of all - Chad's Hair.

Last night's episode featured an over-the-top fake European villa along the Newport Coast that the owner was trying to sell for $10 million. The first potential buyers to see the house turned out to be the next door neighbors who were possibly the creepiest, douchiest couple alive. I can't find a good photo of them, but the girl was trying her best to be a ghetto PHilt, she sort of looked like a messed up version of her and definitely tried to sound exactly like her. The much older sugar daddy had opinions on every room in the house, how the master bath should be bigger and all sorts of other complaints that apparently he created to perfection in the much smaller house next door, that he designed. The real estate brah showing them the house did a pretty good job not laughing in their faces like I would have..they were beyond ridiculous, and in my opinion, the Douchiest Couple In All Of OC. Not an easy title to hold as there are many, many, many douches living in The OC.

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