Sunday, January 3, 2010

Love This Sketch.

Mostly because Jack Johnson seems like an extremely mellow douche brah, and I think Andy S impersonates him perfectly. Back in 2005 he created this amazing little SNL commercial for "JJ Casuals - Shoes That Look Like Feet." I can't seem to find the video footage but it was hilarious. Here are a couple of pics:

I guess double J liked his impersonation so much that he posted the video on his website, so at least he's a mellow douche who can laugh at himself. Here's what JJ had to say:
“I thought it was hilarious. It’s kind of weird to see someone acting like you. That guy [Andy Samberg] nails me too, he’s really fun. He’s got a good hum, the head side to side. I never really wear a hemp necklace, though,” he said. “I just played a festival with Dave Matthews a couple of days ago and we did the skit onstage a little bit. I said, ‘Welcome to the Mellow Show, this is my next guest, Dave Matthews,’ and he came out and said into the microphone ‘Snickerdoodle cookie.’ We were both cracking up.”

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