Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Go See This Movie: My Sister's Keeper

Jeff and I saw this movie last night and both cried our friggin eyes out. It's really good, incredibly cast and well acted esp by Cammy D and Joan Cusack, just sad. So bring a hankie and don't wear eye make-up - I was glad I didn't. Unless of course you are as heartless as the idiots who fancy themselves movie reviewers at City Pages - literally the worst critics I've ever seen, I have never agreed with one of their reviews. The movies they like (which are not often), I hate and the movies I like they write dumb reveiws about. This guy was "unmoved" by this movie, which I think means he must be lacking a human heart since everyone in the theater was choking up throughout at least the last hour of this movie and most likely wanted to openly sob, as I did. But unfortunately people would have thought I'm a freakshow had I done that. It's definitely a tear jerker, but worth the tears.

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