Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What Kind Of Person Becomes A Meter Maid??

A miserable, horrible one. That's who. If you have no skills, a horrible personality and enjoy having everyone in the world hate you with a passion, apparently this job is for you. Meter maids in San Francisco were the bane of my existence..everyone who lives there fantasizes about running one over in their stupid little blue cars that you can't escape. It doesn't matter what you do in SF - they find a way to ticket you, and there's absolutely no way to fight it. The only thing slightly more frustrating than paying an insane amount of money in parking tickets was getting my car windows smashed in 5 times by druggies and bums - once while it was in the garage. Instead of running over a meter maid and going to jail, I decided to leave the city, because it just got to be too frustrating.

I thought parking tickets would be a little easier to deal with in Minneapolis, but lately I feel like the meter maids have been cracking down more than ever. The chubby, lazy and most likely retarded meter maids are so stupid that they gave me a ticket when my car was parked at a broken meter that I tried putting money in. I have been trying to fight it, but their system is beyond ridiculous and impossible to fight. You have to call and leave a message with the meter number and then they say they're going to check it out to see if its still broken the next day and then you call back three days later and listen to a message to see if they agree that it was broken or not...doesn't seem to matter that they fixed it in the mean time and pretend it wasn't broken. You're just out of luck and forced to pay their fees. It is pure insanity and makes me angrier than anything else, since luckily my windows have remained intact since I moved here.

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