Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend Highlights

1. Kicking it off with a day of shopping downtown Friday afternoon instead of working (or blogging, sorry.) Picked up some great stuff on sale at Sak's, including my new favorite shirt from a Barcelona designer that was originally $300 but I got for waaaaay less.

2. Heading to a 4:30 happy hour with friends at Sawatdee and then another happy hour at Bev's a bit later that kicked off a bubbly-filled, boozy weekend.

3. Seeing several friends we had not hung out with in a while and catching up, always a good thing.

4. Late night dance party with some of my favorite DJs in our friend's basement that is cooler than any club in town for a good friend's going away party. She's heading off to LA and we will miss her lots, but luckily spend a lot of time in SoCal so plan to hang with her in LA often. Excited for the new W Hollywood, opening soon.

5. Date night with El Jefe at Cafe Lurcat for Restaurant Week Saturday night. It was only supposed to go through Friday, but Lurcat and some other restaurants decided to extend the $30 3-course meal deal through the month of March. I highly recommend the one at Lurcat - I had ginger fried rice, miso sea bass and the mini-donuts, for $30! Quite a deal.

6. Meeting friends for drinks at The Loop which I thought would be funny people-watching and was when we watched a really chunky lady apply deoderant while sitting in a booth... but really just made me kind of sad - and very glad to be married. It is such a meat market filled with annoying people dancing to bad top 40, squished into the entire loop around the bar like sardines. Had much more fun when the girls came back to the loft for a slumber party and we ordered pizza, drank wine and chatted til 5 am.

7. Brunching with friends at Bulldog NE - happily keeping my new Brunching Kick going 2 weeks in a row. I love their green goddess salad, and the black bean burger. And the table shuffleboard game they have is the best thing ever and apparently one of my random skills because I always win. May come in handy when I'm 75.

8. Going to our friend's house for a fab dinner, playing with their cute kiddies and then all 4 adults watching Pixar's WALL-E while drinking our port. And loving it.

9. Watching the series finale of "The L Word." Thank god its over. I only watched this season but could not feel any sympathy for the obnoxious, self-involved characters and hated Jenny with a passion. If that's what lesbians in LA are like in real life, remind me not to ever befriend any lesbians in LA. The theme song is also one of the worst songs ever. Hates it.

10. Catching a special on Blue Whales on National Geographic. Ok, full disclosure: I saw an ad for it and set my DVR to record it. Can't help it, I'm whale obsessed.

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