Thursday, March 5, 2009

U2 Needs To Simma Down Nah.

Bono and his merry bandmates have been talking shiz about fellow UK mates Chris Martin and Sting lately which the press is eating up. I don't really care - Coldplay and Sting are fine - but just want to take this opportunity to say, I don't like U2. At all. I know a lot of people do, but I have just never gotten their appeal. Sure Bono does a lot of good things for people around the world and that's great, but their music just isn't very good. They can't even count. Uno, dos, tres, catorce?? The only thing I have ever liked from this band was the intro to "Where The Streets Have No Name." Once Bono started singing, it was over for me. I've listened to a bit of the new album and am not impressed with Bono's screaming voice. The songs just annoy me. Sorry, U2 - I'll never be a fan. It's also funny to me that they think they are the most rockin' band in the world, but on iTunes, listeners who bought their album also bought the mellow tunes of Jack Johnson, John Mayer and - you guessed it, Coldplay.

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