Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Best Of..Not The Best.

Last night I was able to score a last minute ticket to the Mpls. St. Paul Magazine "Best of The Best" party at The Guthrie. I had never been to an event there and wanted to check it out, so decided to attend with a new friend. They did a fabulous job making The Guthrie look even more amazing than it already is with lots of candles, lounges and furry pillows. And the gourmet samples from restaurants like Barrio, La Belle Vie, Solera (notice a theme, perhaps its because Chef/Owner Tim McKee who owns those restaurants will be taking over Cue very soon) were delish. Even Lord Fletcher's was there, representin' for the Minnetonka crowd.

But, most of the chunky, hilariously overdressed attendees seemed like they had never been to an event before. There were lines for everything - the food of course (lots o'chubbies), the wine (where they were only giving out little tiny samples..come on people, after making us wait in line for 10 minutes, give out a full plastic cup of wine - we paid $35 for these tickets after all) and the Grey Goose teensie tinis. When we first arrived we waited about 10 minutes to check in even though we had our tickets in advance, then lined up to get a teensie tini and asked what the best flavor was. The bartender said the berry lemonade martini was the best, but they had just run out. It was 7:30 pm and the event started at 7:00. So we got our strong and tiny orange cosmos and went to check out what other lines we could get ourselves in to. It soon became apparent that these overdressed chubsters would just see a line and stand in it, not knowing what it was for or whether it was necessary to stand in. Overall, I don't think it was very well organized and it was too hard to get around and get food and drinks. And they had run out of most food and wine by 9:30 pm when the event officially ended at 10:00 pm. It was sold out in advance, so they should really have known how many people to prepare for.

I also figured I would run in to some people I know, since I normally do at events like this. But the only person I ran into was a photographer I know because I've hired him and he takes photos for lots of events in town. On a positive note, it was cool to see the new 35W bridge's neon blue glow, it looks really cool from The Guthrie. It was definitely interesting to see what the Mpls St. Paul magazine readers look and dress like and I'm glad I went..but turns out, I'm more of a Metro girl.

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