Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Who Knew The Funniest Show On TV Would Be "The Bachelor??"

In general, I am not a fan of reality TV..yes the "Real Housewives" franchise, "Project Runway" and "Top Chef" have sucked me in at times, but I hate "Survivor," "Big Brother," "American Idol" and usually don't pay much attention to "The Bachelor." But for some reason last night, I decided to check out an episode to see what current (and former 2008) Bachelor Brad Womack was all about. Jeff started watching it with me and I was about to change the channel..until we heard Brad speak. And realized he is a complete box of rocks. Clueless, Southern and just plain dumb. I'm sure he's very nice, but we could not stop laughing at the things that were coming out of his mouth. Unintentional Comedy Gold - the best kind. If you haven't seen him in action, do yourself a favor and watch it next Monday. He reminds me of Will Ferrell's spot-on impression of W - just kind of a bumbling idiot who doesn't want to be bothered by thinking too much. Crazy that one of them is serving his second term as The Bachelor..even crazier that his intellectual equal served two as our President.

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