Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Real Housewives of Miami Debuts Tonight.

Even though I'm getting a little Housewived out by trying to keep up with all the overly botoxed, spray tanned, surgically enhanced, table tossing, nervous breakdown having, jumbo cocktail slurping "ladies" in OC, NYC and NJ plus checking out the ladies of Bev Hills and DC, I will give this one a shot because Miami is a pretty ridiculous and amazing town, so I'm thinking the housewives should be the same. Silicone, drugs and huge amounts of money from dealing huge amounts of drugs are in abundance down there, so it has to be somewhat interesting. At the very least, it has to be better than the snoozefest that was DC. This NYT review promises characters such as a "Cuban Barbie," a "Post-millennial Charo," a "crazy Brazilian with a suspect hubby" and Scotty Pippin's wife. We shall see.

I'm surprised Bravo hasn't done a San Francisco edition yet..there are some super rich, cat-faced crazies in that town..I met many of them when doing PR for huge fundraisers, and even had a meeting with a woman who had just gotten a facelift the week before, causing me many nightmares and a promise to myself to never get a facelift. Maybe that's next. And in 2058 they'll want to see what the Housewives of Minneapolis and Minnetonka are up to. Or not.

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