Friday, January 7, 2011

Recent Acquisitions: Elie Tahari Black Flats

One of my favorite recent acquisitions after the holiday season - in addition to some new Anthropologie duds purchased on sale at 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica, Mario Galaxy for the Wii which is the most beautiful, amazing video game ever, and the Mac Book Pro Jefe is buying me soon (if the rumors are true, they'll be debuting a new version in the  next couple of months so I want to wait for that..) - are a pair of black Elie Tahari flats. Mine are kind of like the ones pictured here but not exactly..can't seem to find a photo of my pair. They cost more than most of the flats I've purchased in the past (most of the comfy flats I've bought in the last year are $12 at Target but offer no support and actually have been making my feet hurt) but are worth every penny as they fit like a dream and I have been walking myself all over SoCal in them, quite comfortably. I asked one of my uber stylish besties who lives in Boston and walks everywhere what kind of flats she is always sporting, and she's the one who told me: Try Tahari. So if you're in the market for flats and want to be comfy, go get yourself a pair, stat.

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