Monday, March 22, 2010

Dinner at IKEA??

Saturday we ventured out to the suburban monstrosity that is IKEA..just thinking of that place exhausts me, and while I can normally take my shortcut right to the candle/plant section (the main reason I normally go there), this time we were shopping for a changing table for the baby and had to follow the maze through the showroom until we discovered the kiddie area. We found a basic, modern one that is better than anything I've seen at Babies R Us, where the furniture is not really our style. Jeff was overwhelmed by the madness of IKEA and wanted a soda, so we ventured in to the cafeteria, where we were shocked to see about a thousand families in line for cheap meatballs and chicken tenders. Not sure if they were also shopping - Jeff was convinced people are going to IKEA just to eat dinner on the cheap, which perhaps they are. We spent quite a while laughing at the little carts loaded up with Swedish delights rolling by..hope I never think of dinner at IKEA as a great Saturday night on the town.

We decided to skip the meatballs and met a friend who lives in St. Paul for dinner at the always awesome Ngon Vietnames Bistro on University near Dale - one of my favorite restaurants in town..and much hipper than you would expect for its kind of random location. The boys both had fabulous Phu and local beers..I had the Wild Acres duck breast with bok choy, grape tomatoes, shitaki mushrooms, scallions and black rice with roasted red pepper curry sauce that was divine. That was followed by a huge blueberry cheesecake and chai ice cream cone at Izzy's on Marshall, which I had never been to before but had noticed on my escapades to Sweets for cupcakes as they are on the same block. Which luckily is not a far drive from my loft if you take River Road and cross the Lake street bridge..dangerous and delish.

Jefe got right to work on assembling the changing table yesterday, as you can see:

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