Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Repubbies Hate "Avatar" - Which Makes Me Want to See It Now.

I wasn't all that interested in seeing Avatar until I read this article in the LA Times detailing all the complaints conservatives have about this movie - they hate and make fun of the pro-environmental message (since apparently they hate the earth and refuse to accept science and that global warming is happening) and hate the parallels Jim Cameron draws from military contractors in Iraq destroying the land for natural resources (cuz they are doing such a great job over there -  so glad our tax dollars are paying each of them $300k a year to kill innocent people and do all sorts of despicable things - all for oil). You really can't please Republicans - they will find something to complain about no matter what, and their reasoning for hating this movie is beyond my comprehension..I just will never understand or agree with the way they see things, because prettymuch, they are lunatics. Especially our very own batshit crazy congresswoman Michelle Bachmann - who CNN just named "#1 Wingnut in America." Keep up the good work of embarrassing Minnesota by voting for this dumbf*ck and keeping her in the public eye to spew her ridiculous comments, lame suburban people of the 6th district that includes Hugo, St. Cloud and everything in between.

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