Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And speaking of Michael Cera..

I finally watched "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist" the other night and it was fantastic. Even though Michael Cera plays prettymuch the same character in every movie, which is the same one he played on "Arrested Development" (one of the best shows ever) - he's got it down to a science and does that character to perfection. Definitely check it out..it was way better than I thought it would be.

I'm happy to report this was the first movie I watched on the new Roku my parents sent us for Christmas..its a pretty sweet little device that syncs up with your Netflix account so you can watch any movies they have available "on demand" right on your TV. The movie selection is kind of random right now, but I've found quite a few movies, documentaries and TV series that were in my queue. Its definitely made better use of my Netflix account since I watch a DVD about once a month - usually on flights. You can also rent new movies on Amazon.com for a couple of dollars, get the MLB channel to watch every baseball game (oh goodie) and sync up to your Flickr account. We looked at some of my photos and the colors were spectacular on our HDTV. The Roku is a nice alternative when there's nothing to watch on TV and its -10 degrees outside. Last night we watched this slightly depressing but fabulous Frenchie film and loved it:

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