Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just Go There: Tuscany & Lake Como

view from my aunt's villa 

Exactly 4 years ago, Jefe and I were bouncing from Barcelona to Paris to London to all over Italy on our amazing European honeymoon. I spent my 28th birthday in Florence, eating the best meal of my life by far, then hitting 2 of the swankiest lounges I've ever seen. After a couple of days to touring around Lake Como looking for George and hiking through the coastal villages of Cinque Terre, only accessible by boat or train, we drove our little smartcar to my aunt's villa on a mountainside above the tiny town of Borgo a Mozzano. Getting to the house requires a scary three point turn but its well worth it once you get there with an incredible view and little foot path that leads down to the town. Drinking Italian coffee in the morning and red vino while watching the sunset with that view is quite spactucular. It's close to Lucca - a completely walled in city that's been around since 180 BC. We biked around the wall and popped into town for vino and gelato several times. We took several day trips to nearby towns such as Collodi - the charming village where Pinocchio was based and Bagni di Lucca to visit a thermal spa. I was prettymuch in storybook town heaven the entire time, while enjoying lots of delicioso pasta, pizza and vino.

I am resisting a very strong urge to hop on a plane and go to Italy right now, but just to torture myself a little more I'll post a few pics of Lake Como and Cinque Terre..some are mine and some are from the information superhighway. If you can, Just Go There! I am already planning our next trip to Italia.

    Cinque Terre

Lake Como


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