Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekend Highlights:


1. Friday date night to see "The Informant" with El Jefe. Pretty good overall - worth it to see a chubbster Matt Damon and Joel McHale playin it straight. Directed by Steven Soderbergh and based on a true story, its a win win, with more than a few laughs. Go see it.

2. Lovely autumn Saturday that we spent playing tennis in Kenwood, picking up my favorite caprese sammy from Broder's deli for a picnic and walk around Lake Harriett and a lot of time spent on our roof deck. Jefe made an amazing pizza with dough from Broder's, red peppers from our local farm share and a little goat cheese, enjoyed on the roof deck lit with candles and lanterns along with a little vino. Perfection.

3. A Sunday spent picking apples with friends on the bluffs above Lake Pepin. It's an annual tradition - one of our besties' parents own a large apple orchard down there and each fall they invite us to come pluck as many as we'd like. There's just something relaxing and enjoyable about plucking fruit from trees..not really sure why I love it so much, but I do. I filled up two bags that will be mostly a decoration for fall since I don't really know how to make anything. Or maybe I'll attempt some apple turnovers or muffins or something if I start to feel Martha Stewartesque, which probably won't happen since I hate that betch.

4. Late lunch at Nelson Cheese Factory and Creamery in Nelson, WI. Finally, something good about Wisconsin. Hey-ohhhh. Its a tradition for us to drive the extra 20 minutes to Nelson for a veggie sandwich filled with lots of yummy WI cheese and veggies and glass of vino to sit by the fireplace in either their sassy modern wine bar or outside on the patio which surprislingly feels a lot like Napa/Sonoma to watch the trains go by. This must always be followed by an ice cream cone from their creamery - yesterday I tried the Heath Bar yogurt that tasted creamier than most ice creams ever made..not sure how they did that, but I likee.

5. Prepping for our Beantown Bestie's wedding this weekend..I leave Thursday morning and cannot wait.

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