Monday, September 28, 2009

Update on The Hills: These Bitches Make Waaaaay Too Much Money

Interesting article about the stars of The Hills and how much they are paid..for barely doing anything:

"Cavallari is being paid $90,000 an episode, which is almost as much as Conrad was making: $125,000 an episode (or $2.5 million a year), according to a person with knowledge of the show’s contracts. Conrad’s deal stipulated that no other star’s salary could match hers while she was on The Hills, but those of supporting cast members Audrina Patridge, Lauren “Lo” Bosworth, and Montag come close: $100,000 a show. As for Pratt, his rate is a slightly less at $65,000 per show, because he only joined as a regular in 2008. (In comparison, the stars of The Real Housewives series receive a reported $30,000 a show.) In the case of Brody Jenner, Conrad’s BFFWB (Best Friend Forever With Benefits), he takes in $45,000."

There is seriously something wrong with this country. I know by tuning in I am part of the problem..if nobody watched it, there'd be no money to pay these dumbasses, but I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon. Ay, dios mio. (PS Thanks, Jen - see you NYC next week!)

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