Monday, April 13, 2009

Weekend Highlights:

1. Cooking a delicious and cheap Indian Feast for about 10 close friends Friday night. It was a nice enough evening to enjoy some vino on the roof deck before dinner, and everyone left sleepy and full, with comfy bellies. Cleaning up from an Indian Feast is not quite as enjoyable as the actual party...but we still plan to host these more often and incorporate Indian food into our weekly home cooked dinners. It's easy to do - Jeff picked up some biryani rice and the Pakistani version of naan at Pak Zam Zam in NE off of Central and cooked some chicken and a few of the sides like masala sauce and the spinach with cheese you can get at any store for about $3 each. We used to go to Indian food all the time in San Francisco but since we haven't found a restaurant we like in MN, just make our own and its just as good as what we used to get in SF.

2.BBQ with some of our closest friends Saturday afternoon/early evening with their adorbz kiddies and a roaring early spring fire on their deck overlooking two lakes. Yummy dinner of grilled steak, chicken, asparagus, caesar salad, twice cooked potatoes and red wine.

3. ENVISION: Spring 2009 at the Graves - 2 fantastic fashion shows featuring local designers. I handled PR for this event and we got a lot of great press so it was totally sold out, and packed. Luckily we scored some VIP seats to watch the shows and met up with some girlfriends who had gone downstairs to the Cosmos bar for a delicious blackberry mojito martini in between shows.

4. Having a fab brunch date with my husby at Chambers Kitchen on Easter. We had to head out to his parent's house in White Bear Lake for dinner, so we shared a light brunch of mimos, a toasted bagel with cream cheese, smoked salmon, capers, onion and tomato and poached eggs with potatoes. Everything was fab and it was just nice to brunch in a higher end restaurant, for about the same price you would pay at many other divee spots in town. We had never been there in the daytime and it takes on a whole new feel. I was tempted to get the homemade caramel ice cream for dessert because it is the best thing ever, but contained myself.

5. Easter egg hunt, hitting golf balls into Birch lake and Easter dinner with Jeff's whole family - he has 5 siblings and 7 nieces and nephews ages 7-17 so it can be a bit of madness, but always fun. His mom brought out boxes of Jeff's old ninja costumes, hockey jerseys, report cards, yearbooks and a "special box" that held his favorite stuffed animal when he was little - a literal beaver that he called "The Beav." We can't contain ourselves and always burst out laughing when his mom talks about how much he loved "The Beav," and last night was no exception.

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