Monday, March 9, 2009

I Miss You, Seth Cohen.

Where have you been? Did you take the sailboat to Seattle and sthop for snakth in Thanta Barbara again? (To be said with his adorable listhp..) Dan Humphrey is trying his best to be the new hot nerdy king of snark but its just not the same. Please come out of hiding.

Actually after a quick IMDB search, I just learned he will be starring in Diablo Cody's new horror flick Jennifer's Body, coming out this fall, so at least his acting career hasn't gone the same direction as Mischa Barton's. But I probably won't be seeing Jennifer's Body because as much as I love Diabo, I despise horror movies. Guess I'll have to wait until he appears as The Flash in Justice League: Mortal in 2011, unless Josh lets him make a guest appearance on GG for a snark/indie rock knowledge-off with Dan. Which I would not mind.

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