Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Baby Gus, who decided to make his grand entrance at 10:40 am last Thursday, April 8th. And just like the celebs say when they have a baby, we are OVER THE MOON (they really are Just Like Us, who would have thunk it?) All the cliches are totally true and you really can't explain it until you experience it for yourself, so I highly recommend having a baby of your own, at your leisure. A friend said it like this "You live your life in black and white until you have a baby - then its in full color." Or something like that. And even though I have lived a very colorful 32 years pre-Gus, the last week has been the happiest of my life. Jefe and I can't stop crying with pure happiness that he's in our lives - and really can't imagine life without him. Newborns are a (delightful) handful though, so its been hard to find time to blog or get on the information superhighway, but I'll try my best to keep the posts coming when I can.

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