Friday night after meeting up with some ladies for happy hour at The Loop in my hood (they make a mean orange, cranberry, 7 - my mocktail of choice right now) we all ventured out to the western suburbs where most of them live to grab some grub at The Red Rooster in Long Lake..kind of a funny, divey place I had never been to. And, its the place where I experienced my first - and only - Pull-tab. I had heard about Pull-tabs and seen signs for them at divey bars throughout MN and WI but didn't really know how they worked until a friend went and bought a bunch and laid them on the table. I picked one up, pulled the 3 little tabs and realized I didn't win. And promptly said, "That's it? So its like a slot machine without getting to pull the fun little lever and hearing the ding ding ding? I don't get it." One was enough for me, and now I have experienced Pull-tabs..don't think I need to try it again.
Jefe was out with the boys and when I told him about my exciting Pull-tab experience later that night, he was cracking up since apparently he has relatives who will spend entire nights and literally hundreds of dollars playing Pull Tabs at bars..which is really strange. He also has relatives who buy weekly lottery tickets - and give them as birthday gifts - which always makes me depressed. I hate hearing people talk about how they'll spend their lottery money if they win and think all their problems will magically be's false hope, and really not even worth thinking about/dreaming of. Chances are, you're not gonna win big, so just enjoy life as much as possible as a non-millionaire. It will all be good. And winning the lottery would bring on a whole new slew of problems anyway, so simma.
Next on my list of strange midwestern activities to try: cow tipping. (not really)
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