Wednesday, February 17, 2010

From Buck Hill to Olympic Gold

Minnesotans are bursting with fruit flavor this evening because Lindsey Vonn won the gold medal for women's downhill skiing - and she learned to ski on the tiny bump known as Buck Hill in MN when she was 2-years-old. No matter that she moved to Aspen, CO when she was 15 and joined the national team - famous Minnesotans are so few and far between that MNers adopt anyone who has lived here for more than one day as their own. It is pretty remarkable though - I went tubing at Buck Hill once and the runs are teense - the whole "resort" is like the size of a bunny slope at any place in Cali. It's not quite as teense as where I learned to snowboard (horribly) - on Theodore Wirth golf course - but then again, I don't think I'll ever be going to The Olympics. Unless of course they make sitting on the couch, stuffing your face, playing Super Mario Bros an Olympic sport.

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