Friday, January 29, 2010

I Heart Laguna Beach.

Laguna Beach, CA has always been one of my favorite places in the world. I was lucky enough to grow up about 20 minutes from this picturesque seaside artist community and have spent a lot of time there. In high school, as soon as my friends and I learned to drive, we were hanging at coffeehouses in Laguna. When I was 18, my tight little crew of friends included a sassy gay with a 40-year-old sugar daddy who said "Fabu," drove us around in his BMW convertibles and bought us wine at restaurants in town. They had an apt right on the beach - perfect for parties and a place to crash after sipping a couple of vodka cranberries - we were lightweights back then. When I was 19-20 I waitressed and made ridiculous amounts of money at a fabulous restaurant called Partners, that sadly is no longer. But I had fun going out in downtown Laguna with my co-workers who were all 31 years old for some reason.

Jefe and I got married there in 2004 at sunset, overlooking the Pacific and it was perfection. I really wanted all of our friends from around the country and his family from MN to experience Laguna for themselves, and of course they all loved it. Every time I'm home in The OC I try to visit LB. The last few times we've spent more time in San Clemente because we have friends who live there and its another fab little coastal town with great restaurants and wine bars. But there's really no place like Laguna. And thanks to MTV, it even gave us LC, Cavallari and Steeeee-pheeeeen.

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