Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year..a few days late

It's 2010. Which means 1980 was 30 years ago, and that annoying little fact is making me feel seriously old. I'll be 33 next October. Yowza. This post is a few days late - I was busy ringing in the new year with a busy and varied day that included lunch at Whitey's with our besties that lasted all day, visiting some friends with kiddies in Shoreview for a few hours, ordering Black Sheep pizza and playing Mario on the Wii with said besties at our loft, then putting on a fancy dress and heading to IMS for The Crystal Ball, arriving at 11:57 pm, just in time to ring in 2010 with 1500 peeps and The New Congress. After hanging with our househead DJ friends for a while we headed back to the loft and found some very intoxicated 27 year old rich kids hanging in the hallway - including our fun neighbor who invited us in for a little more new year's madness. I sipped a San Pellegrino and watched how the young kids today party at a sweet loft - with lots of booze and hip hop..not really all that different than the party we had hosted the night before if you sub in electronica and trip-hop for hip hop..with maybe a few less Jag bombs. All in all, it was a great last day of a pretty fantastic decade...which I followed up the next day by seeing some friends at various gatherings on New Year's Day and then coming home to the loft Friday night, getting cozy in my jammies with blankets and basically not leaving again until Sunday night for a fab dinner at Bar La Grassa due to the extremely cold temperatures outside. With the help of Mario Bros on the Wii, movies on the Roku, pots of hot herbal tea, our new fireplace and Ping's delivery, we managed to have a very relaxing and warm start to 2010.

The media keeps talking about what a horrible decade the 2000s were, and I guess if you count the Bush Administration completely f*cking up the country, the ridiculous wars we are fighting for oil, the dumbf*cks who bought overpriced cookie cutter mc mansions in atrocious suburbs and gas guzzling SUVs to keep in their 4-car garages they couldn't afford, wall street/banker f*cks, greedy corporate monsters/Republicans (same thing) and the treacherous way we've been treating the environment, the 2000s weren't so niiice. But personally, they were the best 10 years of my life so far. Here are some extremely self-indulgent highlights..since I may have killed (more than) a few brain cells in those 10 years and want to have a record to remember what I did to look back on...

* Meeting Jeff in March of 2000 when he sat in my section at Maya restaurant in SF and asked me to go to dinner at Lulu - a fab restaurant in SOMA. I gave him my number, we met up for dinner, had the best, most hilarious date ever and proceeded to ditch the other 3 guys I was seeing at the time. The rest, is history.

* Graduating from San Francisco State University in 2000. The dreams that I still had homework and/or tests due lasted well into the late 2000s but I think I'm finally recovered and realize I never have to go to school again, thank you baby Jesus.

* Jeff's college graduation gift - an incredible trip to Europe. We went hang gliding and ate fondue in Switzerland, held hands, drank lots of wine and declared our love many times throughout Paris and drank spots of tea and pints of beer in jolly old London, one night with our hot Aussie bartender - Travis Fimmel - who would soon become a famous Calvin Klein model. One of the best trips of my life.

* Starting my career at age 22 and working at two fabulous lifestyle PR agencies, I got to meet a lot of famous and interesting people, go to fancy shmancy events, eat incredible food and drink even better wine. I'm so glad I literally fell into PR - it has been a fantastic career that has given me many rewarding experiences, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

* Discovering the underground house music scene in San Francisco and getting to know the whole crew at Om Records, which led to my befriending Kaskade and starting VimLab.

* Taking so many trips from SF to Minneapolis to visit our amazing group of friends that we finally realized we needed to live in MN. The GG Bridge and sassy bars are cool, but not as fun when you don't have friends to share those things with. We made the move to MN in 2004 and even though I freeze my arse off, I've never regretted the decision and truly love my life here - mostly because of all the fantastic people I already knew and the new ones I've met.

* Deciding at age 26 that I was experienced enough in the world of PR and Events to start my own company - VimLab Promotions. Maybe I was insane, but I looked into the PR firms in MN and didn't see anyone doing anything even close to the cool things I was doing in SF (restaurant openings, representing wineries, throwing hip benefit events, etc) so I took the plunge and have been a business owner for almost 7 years now. Crazy. And I have been able to throw some truly incredible parties and meet extraordinary people because of my company. There are way too many events to list, but they've all been great experiences, whether or not people showed up. I've definitely had my ups and downs but will always be proud of what I've been able to accomplish with VimLab so far, and will continue in the next decades to come.

* Taking a surprise horse drawn carriage ride through the snow, all bundled up on a chilly New Year's Eve in 2003 where Jefe popped the question. Of course I said yes - we cried and laughed and drank lots of champagne. And then found all our friends gathered to celebrate with us at a party that night. Truly a magical night.

* Getting married on November 13, 2004 in Laguna Beach to my amazing Jefe, with all our friends and family there to celebrate with us. Best day of my life.

* Mini-mooning by driving up the coast of Cali to visit friends who couldn't make it to the wedding and landing in Napa for a few days of vino, hot tubs, massages, good food and just being married. Pure bliss.

* Honeymooning the next fall in Tuscany, Italy with a week at my aunt's ridiculously gorgeous villa, with stops in Lake Como, Florence, Cinque Terre, Milan, Barcelona, Paris and London - for old times sake, and to visit friends. Best trip of my life so far.

* Vacays to favorite places in the world - Montreal, New York, Boston, South Beach, Chicago, Lake Superior, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Ashland, The Redwoods, Russian River, Napa/Sonoma, San Francisco, LA, OC, San Diego, Los Cabos, Prague, Salzburg, Heidelberg, Karlovy Vary to name a few - all spectacular. We've definitely spent a lot of money on trips over the last decade but I wouldn't want it any other way, especially with our little guy on the way, which will mean a lot less trips. Or at least less sassy city touring trips and more national parks and family fun, which I'm actually pretty excited about. My philosophy is, life is too short to say you'll go there "someday" - because you probably won't. If you can, just do it.

* Buying our spectacular loft in the summer of 2007 - love living here and can't even imagine selling it and/or moving anywhere else. Being homeowners makes me feel so grown up or something.

* Ringing in 2008 on the Kaskade New Year's Eve Jet-Set Tour: 3 Cities, 1 Night. We met in LA where Kaskade spun for 10,000 peeps from 10 pm - midnight, rang in 2008 backstage with lots of champagne, hopped on a private plane with 7 other peeps including Kaskade and his wife and flew to San Francisco. He did another show from 2 am - 4 am, we got back on the plane and flew to Las Vegas to hit his morning set from 7 am - 10 am. Its hard to even put into words how incredible this night was - sometimes I still can't believe we did it. But we did, and it was amazing and definitely one to tell the grandkiddies about. The next couple of days were fun as well as we spent them chilling in Vegas with Kaskade and his wife, eating yummy food and hitting the spa at the Four Seasons. Besides our wedding, it was the best day of my life - so I guess, 2nd best day ever.

* Attending my family reunion in June of 2009, seeing prettymuch my entire family on my mom's side, which was pretty amazing.

* Finding out that I am carrying a little baby boy..who will be here in about 12 weeks, which is crazy, but so exciting. I really can't wait.  I love that he'll be born in 2010. There are definitely many more fabulous things to come in the next decade, starting with him.

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