Monday, October 12, 2009

Seriously, MN. WTF?

So yesterday, even though my trusty iPhone told me it was approximately 43 degrees outside, El Jefe and I decided to bundle up and take a little nature walk along the river. We drove down River Road, parked around 37th St E and proceeded to discover a very nice little trail along the river to peep autumn leaves. For some reason, the leaves are always awesome in that area..we have friends who live over there and every fall its one of my favorite spots to check out. Here are a few pics from our adventure:

Some nice color, but still a lot of green trees. The sun came out and it felt much warmer than 43 degrees. We even took the roof off of my baby bug for a bit, with the heated seats and heater on high.

Then this morning, we wake up to this:

Insane in the membrane. I heart the fall and autumn leaves and apple cinnamon donuts and its just way too early to have snow. I had to go to a meeting at the W this morning and wore my North Face boots. Not Cool, MN, Not Cool At All. I did, however, experience driving down both the new and improved 2-way Hennepin and First Avenues, which made getting there and getting home much easier. Why didn't you start doing that like 30 years ago??

Anyhoo, the snow is melting and the sun is scheduled to make an appearance this weekend, in time for my bday next Monday so that I can return to my regularly scheduled fall leaf peeping expeditions. If it doesn't, I'm moving back to Cali, stat.

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