Monday, October 19, 2009

Go Shawty, It's My Burfday..


I'm not really sure if you're supposed to blog about your own birthday, but here I am doing it. So there. I really just want to mention that I have managed to stretch this bday celebration into quite a foodie whirlwind tour, celebrated with my amazing friends, family and hubby, all of whom I love very much - I'm a very lucky lady to have so many wonderful people in my life.

Jefe and I started it out Friday afternoon with a workout, swim and quick hot tub (as I am not supposed to really spend much time in hot tubs in my current condition which is hard for me) at Calhoun Beach Club, which we are thinking of joining again due to the indoor pool, which we miss. They gave us a few day pass to check it out again and I like some of their improvements since we were members, like the free hot chocolate that is delish. Anyhoo, we were craving Indian and my foodie friend Gigi had told me about the Dancing Ganesha which we had been wanting to try, and I'm quite glad we did. We got our standard Indian dishes - chicken tika masala, saag paneer (creamy spinich with cubes of cheese), rice and naan, and they did it all to perfection. I'm so glad we finally have an upscale but not expensive, delicious Indian restaurant in town. We'll definitely go back there as we thought it was on par with Clay Oven in SF, Marigold in Chicago and Tamarind in NYC - our other favorites.

Saturday was the first appearance of the sun in quite a while and we enjoyed it by spending time on the roof deck and going on a nature walk on our favorite trail along River Road, near Minnehaha Falls. The leaves are about the same as they were last week when we walked the same trail and I hope they haven't all frozen with this ridiculously freezing weather we've been having. October is normally my favorite month in MN but this year is all out of whack. The leaves were still pretty though and it was nice to be outside without freezing my arse off. Then it was time to get ready to join 9 of my closest friends for dinner at D'Amico Kitchen at the Chambers, which was pretty good, but not the best. I was a huge fan of Chambers Kitchen and went there a lot so I had high expectations for D'Amico Kitchen. The service was not great. The waitress somehow spilled my virgin bellini all over Jefe - his face was literally glistening from peach puree and apple cider, and I had to fight the servers off from taking my food away while still eating, yet finding them to get a drink or the check was almost impossible. Kind of ridic. The food was hit or miss - I loved my ravioli but Jefe's pasta didn't have much flavor. The three-piece jazz trio playing nearby was nice and it was fun to catch up with friends - some of whom came over for latenight cake and some J sparkling wine after dinner. All in all, a fab bday celebration..and it was only Saturday.

Yesterday was another gorg day so I took my last apple donut from the Pine Tree Apple Orchard, some coffee and a smoothie up to the roofdeck to read my book and relax in the sun while Jefe golfed with his bro. Then we met up for an earlyish dinner with Jeff's parents at Muffuletta, one of my favorite restaurants in town. They have an amazing deal on Sunday nights - pre fixe for $18.95. I had the beer cheese soup (Amazing) and a gourmet turkey dinner with stuffing, mash pots and gravy that really hit the spot (I'm eating for two!) topped off by an autumn shortcake with apples, pumpkin puree and whipped cream. Seriously one of the best meals I've had, and for under $20?? I think I'll be back there every Sunday night, for reals yo. We all wanted to get home to catch "Mad Men" of course - we have DVR but Jeff's parentals do not, and they're addicted. I love watching TV Sunday nights all snuggled up with lots of candles, blankets, hot tea and El Jefe. We had "Mad Men," "Californication," "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and "Bored To Death" to watch. Love them all. Then found "Marley & Me" on HBO which I saw with some girlfriends in the theater last year and we were all bawling our eyes out..Jefe never seen it and we both decided a big NO on ever getting a big dog or really any kind of dog at any point in the near future. I'm def more of a baby person than a dog person, don't think I can handle both.

Now I'm off to a massage at the Ivy Spa and dinner at Bar La Grassa..which I'll blog about tomorrow. Til then, peace out.

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