Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another Reason Not To Fly NWA/Delta:

Two of their pilots may have fallen asleep as they overshot the MSP airport by 150 miles on a flight from NY the other day. Nice. I refuse to fly NWA and don't understand why anyone does. Their customer service is beyond horrendous - one time on a flight from SF to MN with Jeff in 2000 the idiot check in lady couldn't find my name in the system and was a total raging bitch, despite the fact that we were sure I was booked on the flight. About 2 seconds after the flight took off, another person at the counter found my name easily - the bitch had misspelled it, and we had to wait about 4 hours til the next flight. After that I was done flying their horrible airline unless absolutely necessary - as in, no other options, at all, and the flights are always late or canceled. I'll stick with my trusty, friendly and ridiculously cheap Sun Country airlines, thanks.

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