Thursday, August 13, 2009

Finally Feels Like Summer.

The weather this summer was pretty lame for the first couple of months, so I'm definitely appreciating these 90+degree August days and nights that stay warm and humid. Yesterday afternoon, Jefe and lunched on salads and iced tea with our favorite entitled blonde outside at Northcoast - it was my first time there and I have to say the food is much better than Sunsets, as is the view. I liked it so much I will now declare it my favorite new Wayzeta lakeside dining destination. I can't seem to ever remember the name Northcoast for some reason..I guess as a Cali girl I don't really think of "coasts" in Minnesooooota. Then we hopped into the convertible for a lovely cruise home and went right to another friend's condo complex for a dip in her perfectly heated outdoor pool and a nice little BBQ with a bunch of friends. I didn't take any photos yesterday for some reason, which is why I'm using an old one from boating on Minnetonka two summers ago..something we haven't done once yet this summer. Would love to be invited on a boat out there..(anyone? anyone?) but looks like the summer might pass us by without one Minnetonka voyage. So sad. Apparently we need some richer friends with boats. Or better yet, need to buy our own. Luckily we can climb aboard the Final VimLab Boat Party on the Mississippi tomorrow night and are heading up to a friend's gorgeous cabin right on Lake Superior in a couple of weeks..when it will start to feel like..fall.

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