Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Aloe Vera: Nature's Best Spa Product

This week I'm pretty happy that aloe vera exists, due to the fact that my Sunday was spent drinking mimos and various cocktails on the roof deck all afternoon with el Jefe as he decompressed from a ridiculous road trip he had just completed from San Francisco to Minneapolis in 3 days (total insanity), squished into a fully packed car without the ability to recline or stretch one bit. And I happened to be wearing my new jean cut offs and an old Om Records tank, but for some reason, no sunscreen, on a sunny 80 degree + day. Later that afternoon as I danced to Bryan Gerrard's awesome set on the Solera Rooftop with my fellow house heads I started to feel the burn and by the time I was having dinner with friends outside at Barrio that night I could barely cross my legs without wincing in pain. Thus, my love for the soothing, cooling relief of aloe vera gel. There's really nothing like it when you have a sunburn. I do realize I should know by now to lather up my ghostly skin with an SPF of 45 or higher at all times throughout the summer, but sometimes I forget, and always pay the price with a lovely lobster like glow.

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