It's been quite a productive morning here on The V-List. I decided to get my arse out of bed early to drive El Jefe to work in lovely Eden Praire so I could have my car and run some errands. First stop was Southdale to have a Mac nerd (Not All Hero's Wear Capes) tell me where to insert Ram on my iBook - I ordered some online and had no idea where to put it. Nerdboy couldn't do it for me since I got it somewhere else, but assisted me in putting it in myself. I'm so tech-savvy. It was 9 am and most of the stores weren't open but there were several teams of women power walking the mall in Juicy Couture Velour. Ew, I vow never to do that..seriously, I'd rather freeze and walk outside than walk around a mall. Its weird. And was probably invented at Southdale since it was the first mall in America.
Then it was on to the leather store in St. Louis Park to get the amazing knee high, flat black leather boots I got in Florence polished. I've been wearing them since fall of 2005 and they are finally in fashion this year.
I got the snow washed off of Rosario and thought I'd also get her oil changed since I got her brand new in July and have not taken her in for a tune up yet. The not-so-smart Jiffy Lube guy at Uptown told me they were out of the filters for VWs and directed me to Hopkins - somewhere I normally would not find myself. I blasted Lady Gaga and took a little journey down Excelsior Blvd, finally found it and then had this conversation with the even more not-so-smart Jiffy Lube guy.
Me: Hi, I'd like to get an oil change
NotSoSmart: Well there is a 45 minute wait right now.
Me: Okay, well is there a coffee shop around here or anything?
NotSoSmart: I have no idea, I'm from Coon Rapids.
Me: Alright, I'll come back.
So I drove around for 2 minutes and stumbled upon "Downtown" Hopkins which was only about 3 blocks away and found one random cafe with WiFi. So I drove back, dropped Rosario off and walked myself to the cafe. Shouldn't NotSoSmart maybe get a lay of the land and have some idea whether there is a coffee shop in the vicinity? WTF?
I asked them to call me when the oil change was done and they just let me know that since Rosario is so brand spanking new (2008), they don't have the proper tools to handle her and can't do an oil change. Thanks Jiffy Lube, for wasting at least 2 hours of my day and introducing me to the wonderful wasteland that is Downtown Hopkins.
I frickin love those boots. I still remember asking you where you got them (thinking I could follow suit) and you crushed my hopes by saying, "A leather market in Italy." Damn you.